
global issue

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Priyanka Chopra's special gift for her brother

At Mumbai, Priyanka Chopra's younger brother Siddharth is probably the happiest kid in Mumbai now. His indulgent star-sister has got him the most precious gift of his life - a T-shirt signed by the entire Indian cricket team.

Recalling the episode Priyanka explains that when she was on the way to London on a British Airways flight. Her brother Siddharth was with her, he comes to see her off every time she leaves Mumbai. At the airport he nearly swooned when he spotted the entire Indian cricket team. He went ballistic. 'Didi, get them to sign my T-shirt and I'll be your slave for life.'

Soon after that she was embarrassed and horrified. As How could I just go ahead and ask them to sign my brother's T-shirt? But Siddharth insisted. Then she wondered which T-shirt he wanted the team to sign since he obviously hadn't brought an extra T-shirt to the airport. To my horror, Siddharth took off the one he was wearing and gave it to her for signature.

On flight, Priyanka hesitantly sent over a message to the team with her 17-year-old brother's request.

She would have loved to meet them personally and make the request on her brother's behalf. But it was a night flight and she was in the executive class while they were in business. So she just sent over the request. They happily and graciously agreed. And she came out of the flight with every member of the team's signature on my brother's T-shirt."

Priyanka's demeanor lights up. "Now my brother guards the T-shirt as though his life depends on it. Of course he didn't remember his promise to be my slave for a year.

REPRINT RIGHTS statement: This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the Author Bio box is retained as usual so that all links are Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

NLP & Hypnotherapy Can Build Your Self-Confidence

A social phobia is a fear of interacting with others on a social level. Examples would be imagining others are looking at you while waiting in line at a checkout, talking in front of other people, or even fear of talking on the phone.

Self-confidence is a demeanor that allows people to have decisive, yet realistic views of themselves and their predicament. Self-confident people have faith in their own know-how, have a general sense of control over their lives, and have belief that, within reason, they will be able to do what they want to do.

Confidence is a demeanor that is conditioned through experiences. When a person experiences success, that person will tend to expect success at his/her endeavors. And that expectation will cause a feeling of confidence.

As an example: A young man wants to be a prizefighter, so he gets a manager and a trainer. His manager will not arrange a bout until he has developed enough skill and stamina. And even then, the manager will only put him up against a challenger that he knows his fighter can crush. When his fighter beats the contender, he is successful, and starts to gain self-confidence in his fighting skills.

With each encounter, the manager puts his contender up against an adversary who is only a slightly better competitor then the last, but not good enough to beat his gladiator. By the end of the third fight, the young contestant begins to expect to win his fourth, and so his confidence continues to increase. This scenario continues to repeat itself. And as long as the fighter contestant continues to win, his expectations of success, and his feelings of self-confidence will continue to accrue.

As another example: A young lady who is scared of high places wants to learn to dive into a swimming pool from a high diving board. So she finds a diving coach and he asks her to dive into the pool from the first step of the ladder up to the diving board. The first step of the ladder is not awfully high, so the young lady feels totally confident, and she dives from that rung, and lands safely in the water unharmed.

Next, the coach has her take a dive from the second step of the ladder, and so forth. I think that you get the idea. With each additional step up the ladder, since the girl was able to jump without fear, and this next step is only slightly higher then the last, the fear of being harmed factor is negligible, and the girl expects to be successful. When she jumps in and lands unharmed, the girl's confidence increases, and her expectation of success on the next rung up the ladder increases.

If a person who has a long history of success and feelings of confidence does fail, they still tend to expect success the next time out. Conversely, when a person who is weak in the confidence department fails, they tend to lose confidence, and begin to expect failure, which often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Having true self-confidence doesn't mean that individuals will be able to do everything. People, who have true self-confidence, usually have expectations that are sensible. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be positive and to accept themselves.

People, who are not self-confident, tend to lean unreasonably on the acceptance of others in order to feel self-assured. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. They put themselves down and tend to discount or ignore compliments that they do receive.

On the other side of the coin, confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally have faith in their own potential. They tend to accept themselves; and they don't feel that they have to conform in order to be approved.

Just because a person feels self-confidence in one or more aspects of their life, doesn't mean that they will feel self-confident in every single part of their life. For example, a person might feel self-confident about their athletic talents, but not feel confident as far as members of the opposite sex are involved, such as in a dating situation, or social relationships.

How Is Confidence Initially developed?

Powerful truths impact the course of self-esteem. Parents' attitudes are fundamental to the way children feel about themselves, particularly when they are very young. When parents provide acceptance, children receive a great foundation for feelings of self-esteem. If one or both parents are disproportionately critical, or if they are overprotective and discourage moves toward independence, children may start to believe they are incapable, inadequate, or inferior.

However, if parents encourage a child's moves toward self-reliance, and they are not overly critical when the child makes mistakes, the child will learn to accept herself, and will be on the way to developing self-confidence.

A lack of confidence is not necessarily related to a lack of ability. A lack of confidence is often the result of concentrating much too strongly on the unrealistic expectations of others especially those of parents and friends. The control of friends can be more powerful and effective than that of parents in shaping the feelings about one's self.

Conclusions That Continue to Influence Self-confidence

In response to external influences, people create assumptions. Some of these are good, and some are bad. Several assumptions that can interfere with self-confidence and alternative ways of thinking are:

ASSUMPTION: It's imperative that I'm successful at every challenge that I undertake. This assumption is unrealistic. In the real world each person has her strengths and her weaknesses. While it's important to always do your best, it is more important to learn to accept the self as being human, and flawed. Feel good about what you are good at, and accept the fact that no person knows everything nor are they an expert at everything.

ASSUMPTION: I must be perfect, and loved by everyone, and satisfy everyone. Again, this assumption is totally unrealistic. All human beings are flawed. It's desirable to develop standards and values that are not completely dependent on the approval of others.

ASSUMPTION: Everything that happened to me in the past remains in control of my feelings and behaviors in the present.

ALTERNATIVE: While it is true that your confidence was especially subject to external influences when you were a child as you grow to adulthood consciousness and perspective on what those influences have been. In doing so, you can choose which influences you will continue to allow to have an effect on your life. You don't have to be helpless based on what happened in your past


Emphasize Your Strengths. Bestow upon yourself credit for everything that you can do. And bestow upon yourself recognition for every new thing you are willing to test.

Take risks. Adopt the point of view of: I never fail, because there are NO failures. However, sometimes I learn what does not work and once I've learned what doesn't work in a given situation, I can try out something else.

Use Self-Talk: Use self-talk as a technique to counter harmful assumptions. Then, tell yourself to stop. Substitute more reasonable assumptions. For example, when you catch yourself expecting perfection, remind yourself that it's impossible to be an expert at every activity, and that it's only possible to do things to the best of your ability. This allows you to accept yourself as you are improving.

Make mental movies: Picture yourself in the various scenarios that you currently have low levels of self-confidence in. But see yourself behaving like a person who has tremendous self-confidence would. There are powerful Hypnotic approaches that can be used to build a titanic amount of self-confidence from within your subconscious mind. There are even NLP techniques that will let you take confidence that you do have in areas of your life, and then transplant that confidence to areas of your life that require more self-confidence!

Self-Evaluate: Learn to grade yourself as an individual. Avoid the perpetual sense of agitation that comes from relying on the opinions of others.

Want to learn more about hypnosis? Visit Alan B. Densky's free hypnosis article library.

Diabetes In Dogs - All About Diabetes

There is really no difference with diabetes in people as it is in dogs, cats, or other animals. What can you do to protect your pet from getting diabetes? Here are some helpful tips.

Take a quick look at how and what you feed your dog. Are they being fed the proper diet? Is it drinking excessive amounts of water? Has your dog been gaining a great deal of weight suddenly, or likewise, losing a lot of weight for no reason? Do you notice them urinating more than normal? These could all be symptoms or an early warning sign of diabetes in dogs. I would suggest an annual medical check up for your pet to be sure.

If the results come back positive, and in fact has canine diabetes, it is a manageable disease. There are steps you can take in treating the disease. Have your dog's insulin checked. A good vet can easily take care of this. They will take a blood draw from the animal's body and test it. Your first duty is to get the glucose level to normal.

If your dog requires insulin shots, it works the same way as it does in people. When starting out it may seem extremely difficult, and your dog may not want to give you a whole lot of cooperation, but as time goes on, it will get better. Animals have a way of getting in routines just as humans do.

You also want to prepare yourself in the event your pet has a health emergency. See if some other members of your family will get some training with you in case you're not there. Of course, the main responsibility of the day to day treatment will be yours, but if you are not there it should be left to one particular individual in the family.

Keep a record of your dog's day-to-day health. Make notes on anything unusual. It would also be a good idea to have other important information wrote down that includes: the vet's emergency phone number, steps to follow in case of too much insulin, precautions to be taken if the needle breaks and possibly what to do in the event of a seizure.

The biggest issue with diabetes in dogs is to be sure and monitor their blood glucose level. Your doctor may recommend bringing your dog in periodically to monitor the glucose levels.

Again, things can seem somewhat overwhelming at first with canine diabetesArticle Search, but everything will even itself out in time. Dogs are wonderful animals and your pet is certainly worth the effort to protect their health and allow them to lead a happy and healthy life. Keep an eye on the early warning signs of diabetes and take action if you see anything unusual.

500,000 in the World Will Be Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer this Year; 300,000 Will Die From It!

Those are the tunes played by those of us who lose a partner or spouse to another because we were too demanding, too difficult, too different. And those are the hackneyed statements, the only trite and obvious things we can come up with to utter when we find out our best friend of twenty-nine years has a unique form of cervical cancer that might allow her to live, oh, another year at most. Yes, my friend has cervical cancer, what is less familiarly known as invasive endometrial adenocarcinoma. You understand “invasive” and from human sexuality class way back you get the “endometrial” part. But what you cannot seem to wrap your brain around is carcinoma…cancer. She is your age, which, last time you knew, was NOT old, was not dying time. But the condition she is in is that of what 5% of all other cervical cancer patients have survived. The other 95% had lesser complications: the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes, which are very soft, very fleshy, very vulnerable to a corrosive agent chomping its way through human tissue. If you are smart or have a strong stomach, you do a search for the causes, effects, symptoms, treatments, outcomes, support groups, and residual fallout of cervical cancer. You might find statistics: 500,000 cases worldwide; 300,000 die. 10,370 in US will be diagnosed with it; 3,710 will die. Mortality rates have declined by 50% over the last three decades. Treatment includes cryogenics—freezing of the dysplasia, which is the culprit in its earliest stages (which was in your best friend when she was 20). Treatment might be preceded by a colposcopy—the use of a special scope (with a 40X magnifying power) that allows for examination of the cervix. It might mean laser surgery—wherein the offending growth (also called metastasis) is burned off/out. Treatment might include early conization—meaning a biopsy is done by taking a cone of the cervical canal. It might also require or point to the need for radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy, depending upon the severity, urgency, and choices the cervical cancer patient makes. Cervical cancer works its way in stages, or exists in areas that are measured in stages: in stage I, the cancer invades the cervix beneath the top layer of cells. In stage II, the cancer extends beyond the cervix into nearby tissues, to the upper part of the vagina, and/or to the pelvic wall. In stage III, the cancer extends to the lower part of the vagina, and may be spreading into the pelvic wall and nearby lymph nodes. And in stage IV, the cancer has extended to the least protected or defensible parts of the body—the bladder, rectum, and/or other organs and parts of the body. My friend has been found to have stage III cervical cancer, which may have reached the lymph nodes in the lungs. If this is the case, which we will know in six days, when the latest tests come back to her brilliant staff of oncologists and specialists. In some respects, she is lucky. She has been a health care provider to the elderly (as she is a clinical nurse specialist in the top of her field) for twenty years. So she will have that Florence Nightingale Clara Barton karma returned tenfold. At the same time, the numbers are not good for her stage of cervical cancel, despite what I think is a shockingly young age—45. In other respects, then, she aint so “lucky” and I am reeling from the surreality of our friendship coming to an end in the corporeal sense after we have been through so much worse it seemed at the timeFeature Articles, and after we have used survival humor through it all. What else can you do?

A virtual PC without a PC

IN A move to make PC usage simpler and to rid maintenance-related issues for users, Switzerland-based software company Nivio, a subsidiary of iNet Global Services, has launched a Windows operating system-based on online desktop service.

With this, a user can remotely access a Windows desktop from any web browser such as Internet Explorer without having to own a PC. "It is for users who do not want to be bothered with costs, constant technology changes and upgrades - whether it is a new operating system or security patches to combat PC viruses,"

Companies like Nivio, Novatium, Wyse, Sun Microsystems and PC manufacturers like HP are eying this space with ‘thin clients' - a small box that does not contain any software or computing power and can be accessed whenever required through the Internet or on a local area network.

"The advantage is that a user can use even a 486 PC, an obsolete model that is still used in many places in India," says Duggal. He explains that this is possible because computing happens in a central server through software that they have developed unlike normal PCs where the computing happens in the sys tem that the user is working on. This he reckons could resolve the issue of slow Internet speeds, which has been one of the hindrances in uptake of ‘thin client' devices in India.

With private equity backing from investment bankers from Duetche Bank, Unicredit Group and Goldman Sachs to the tune of $6 million, the company is targeting second tier cities and the vast student population in India. According to industry observers, about 60 per cent of students in India access internet or other computer programs from cyber cafes. This does not deter Duggal who has currently signed up 2,500 users and has plans to acquire one-lakh customers by the end of 2007.

EASY COMPUTING Companies like Nivio, Novatium, Wyse, Sun Microsystems and PC manufacturers like HP are eying this space with ‘thin clients' Thin clients is a small box that does not contain any software or computing power and can be accessed whenever required Duggal who has currently signed up 2Science Articles,500 users and has plans to acquire one-lakh customers by the end of 2007.

For more details on Virtual PC visit and

For more information on books visit

Importance of Internet Marketing Service

In the highly competitive corporate world of today, the companies which read the market situation accurately and adopt the right strategies are the successful ones. It is necessary to understand that Internet marketing strategies are the key to the development of any online business. Optimizing your website or blog for search engines is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a webmasters. A properly Search Engine Optimization based website brings what your website needs most: traffic. Without traffic, your website is nothing more than a personal diary. Most importantly, if you're selling a service or product, without traffic your sale conversion ratio will be no where.

If the webmaster wants to see his website ranked on the first page of the Search Engine result page there should be lots of efforts to be put in. for the definition of the Search Engine Optimization it can be said that. Search engine optimization focuses on how search engines work.

As per the Internet Marketing Service every webmaster should give a close look at the key words of the content that comes on every search performs. Search engines place a lot of value on the title of the web page - it is after all the largest bit of text that will come up when your site is searched for in the search engines by the spiders. Your title should not only be relevant and readable, but it should also contain top keywords that people are searching for. A good title is one of the first things that search engine spiders look for, so don't let them down.

Insertions of the links, meta tags are very helpful for the hidden and related to the keywords in Item as well as the keywords on your web page and the inclusion of Pay Per Click (PPC), Opt in mailing, make the websites come.

Directory Submission tops the list when it comes to promoting the web sites. Online directory submissions make sure about the rankings of some certain search engines. The probable reason behind this is that almost all of the leading search engines usually crawls these directories whenever they need to update their own databases. Directory Submission is one of the most significant parts when it comes to your link building strategies. Directory Submission is the way to providing: permanent link building, excellence back links, natural, one way back links that are stronger and that is what any search engines would ever intend to see.

According to the Internet Marketing Strategies the truth is that to get into businessFree Reprint Articles, you need to not only to create an optimized website but also have methods of testing it.

11 Great Places To Find Items To Sell On Ebay For Pennies on the Dollar

They say if it's to good to be true it probably is. Well Ebay is Too Good to be True. Anyone can earn money in the 20 Billion Dollar Ebay Marketplace. Young or Old, it has never been easier to set up a Home Based Business on Ebay. All you need is a Computer, A Digital Camera and an Internet Connection. Here are 11 great Places to Find Quality merchandise to Sell on Ebay for Pennies on the Dollar. Get Started today part time and within months you may be firing your boss

1 - Garage Sales

The Strategy that works best with Garage Sales is stop by at the end of the day and offer to buy all the merchandise they have left. You can often spend $25 - $50 and then resell on Ebay for $500 or more.

2 - Storage Units

You've seen those Storage units. If people don't pay their rent the contents are auctioned site unseen. It is really easy to resell these items on Ebay for a huge profit and at worst you will break even in the rare event you get a lemon.

3 - Household Items

Clean out the attic, go through the garage and even your closet. Most Households have hundreds if not thousands of dollars of "Junk" they can sell on Ebay.

4 - Government Auctions

Government Auctions are a great place to find things to sell on Ebay.

5 - Consignment

This appears to be one of the fastest growing small business of the New Millennium. You sell things for other people on E-Bay and you keep 25% of the profit

6 - Ebay

If you know a market like coins, Antiques, Stamps you can often buy items on Ebay at deep discounts from motivated sellers and then turn around and sell them at a very nice profit.

7 - Retail Inventory

If you happen to own a store this is a great way to get rid of your overstockFeature Articles, Off Season or returned items. Using the consignment idea you can offer to sell (hard to sell items) for local merchants on Ebay.

8 - Flea Markets/Swap Meets

Flea Markets/ Swap Meets often have Day Sellers. People don't want to have to Load these items at the end of the Day and haul it back home and unload and Store it. By offering to by all that is left at the end of the day you can often get great deals.

9 - Church Bazaars

The Church Bazaar strategy is similar to the Flea Market Strategy above. Offer to buy what's left at the end of the day at a deep discount

10 - Fairs and festivals

Use buy it all strategy above at local fairs and festivals.

11 - Drop Ship

Drop Shipping is a great way to get items to sell on E-Bay.

5 Key Elements to Internet Marketing Success!

Techniques and strategies for successful marketing on the Internet have been and continue to be written about in numerous ebooks, books, articles, etc; presented in teleseminars and at boot camps; recorded on DVD's, CD's, podcasts, etc. In fact, there is so much information about this topic that the new marketer can get overwhelmed and confused. The bottom line is that the basic requirements to successful marketing on the Internet can be broken down to 5 key elements... a quality product, traffic, building a list, relationship building and budget. Everything else is a further definition of what each element includes or is a tool to accomplish it..

The first key element is a quality product and a personal belief in the relevancy of that product. You must have a quality product for a couple of reasons. Initially you need people to want your product and for it to accomplish it's purpose - it it's no good, they won't buy. But, even if you can get people to purchase an inferior product or scam the first time, they will never buy from you again and you have totally defeated the long term goal of your marketing... customer retention, i.e. people on your list buying over and over when you introduce new items. In addition, you need to believe in the worth of your product to the consumer... if you don't, you simply will not be as successful in selling it.

Next, there must be traffic coming to your site. It may be true in the movies... "If you build it, they will come" but not so for websites! Just creating or being given a website(such as an affiliate site) is not enough. You need to create one or more methods of getting that traffic to your site and the best traffic is targeted. Targeted traffic (e.g. PPC, Adwords, classifieds, etc) results in a better conversion rate and therefore, more economical both in time and money. This can be accomplished in a number of different ways... from free on up. Once the traffic arrives at your site, it is very important to attempt to get the visitor's contact information... name and email at a minimum.

It is true that "The money is in the List". Often, the first time a prospect visits a site they won't actually do anything and there is a very real risk that they will forget about it later... when they are interested or have the time to look. If you haven't captured their contact information, you have forever lost that person... again, wasting marketing dollars. The page to do this is called a squeeze page, capture page or landing page with opt-in. It is also helpful to give something away, such as a repost, an ebook, etc. to entice the prospect to opt-in. However, that give-away must be of use to the person opting in so they feel that they received something of value. By doing this you are beginning to build a relationship. If the give-away provides nothing, you have done more harm than good to the budding relationship.

Relationship, or credibility is the next key to success in any form of marketing and online is not any different. People only purchase products or join programs when they trust and/or respect you. One of the best methods of creating this trust/respect on the impersonal "World Wide Web" is to use an autoresponder to deliver a series of emails to the prospect at regular intervals. In these messages you can continue to talk about the benefits of the product or program you are selling. In addition, occasional broadcasts with key events or timely information maintain contact and build credibility. The regular emails create name recognition and imply some level or skill (even when you are just staring out - you know... "Fake it til you make it!") Audio and/or video on your website also helps to create come familiarity and develops trust. People make initial buying decisions based on trust and continue to be interested in other offers over time from the same source (you)...resulting in customer retention

Finally, but not necessarily last, you must have a budget set aside for marketing. Unless you have unlimited funds and don't mind wasting them, it is important that your product or program produce income right away so that a portion can be funneled into marketing on a continual basis, thus funding the effort. So, you must take this requirement into consideration when selecting the product or program to offer when you are just starting out. By creating a habit of putting 10-20% of your income from your sales into your marketing effort, starting immediately, your business will continue to grow and flourish.

In conclusion, although the 5 key elements of success in marketing on the internet (quality product, traffic, list building, relationship building and marketing budget) are the basic requirements, each of them can become a topic of their own. There are numerous tools and products that will aid you in each of these phases and there are countless quality products and programs that can be effectively marketed online. In fact, most products and services can effectively utilize online marketing to increase the bottom line. However, if you want to ensure maximum successFeature Articles, incorporate the five keys we have discussed in some way. You can start small and then expand on your offering... but just get started.