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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How to Reduce fat

It is very obvious for anybody to gain pounds of weight during the holiday time. But holidays can be spent constructively too. Turbulence program is a course designed for the purpose of loosing maximum fat and gaining strength. There are 6 ways to improve your overall physic and make a promising resolution on the New Year?s Day.

Strength training is a different exercise from the rest where you perform a workout within a short duration. If you are performing about three repetitions per day of a particular workout, you will be performing it only one here. But you will reap the same advantages here too. You will be maintaining your average strength but at the same time saving your time.

During the program schedule do not consume anything junk but only concentrate on the efficiency of the exercise.

Before beginning any workout you need to spend some time doing warm-up exercises and then start your workout on a treadmill. Even in weekends do not let your time for lame enjoyment but spend at least some bit of time for performing the workouts. This maintains the strength in your body.

When you exercise remember that your abdominal cavity is being exercised. The sit-ups are simply an ache to the lower back. Therefore all the standing exercises, pushups or squats are extremely workable.

Before entering into the gym remember to bring the turbulence training templete with you. It should not merely happen that you do not even understand how to start the workouts. It provides a table for systematically performing the workouts.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

How to Prepare for a Mammography and What to Expect

Although it usually occurs in women over 35 years of age, breast cancer knows no age, race, social, or lifestyle barriers. It can strike any woman at any time, regardless whether or not she has ever smoked, taken an alcoholic beverage, or ever taken birth control.

Although certain factors can increase a woman?s risk of getting breast cancer, every woman is at risk. Even women who have never experienced a day of illness in their entire lives can fall victim.

Breast Cancer ? No Longer a Taboo Subject

Breast cancer is no longer a taboo topic of conversation. As breast cancer awareness increases so do a woman?s ability to take responsibility by taking preventive measures. Routine self-examinations and mammography screenings go a long way in detecting breast cancer while still in the early stages. Early detection greatly minimizes the seriousness of cancer if it is detected, and increases a woman?s chance for survival.

Yet, many women remain reluctant to take the initiative and schedule for a mammography screening. One reason is due of the fear of the unknown. Women who have never had one don?t know what to expect.

This article was written with these women in mind. It outlines what to expect during a mammogram, and tells how to prepare for one. Many women who have been reluctant to schedule for a mammography screening will be pleasantly surprised to learn that the procedure itself is not nearly as intimidating as imagined.

The Mammography Screening

Let?s begin with how to prepare for a mammogram. When scheduling for a mammogram, opt for a time when your breasts are least likely to be tender. This is usually the week following menstruation. Breasts are most apt to be sensitive just before and during your menstrual cycle.

Once you have secured an appointment, you will be instructed to avoid the use of deodorants, powders, lotions, creams or perfumes under your arms or around your breasts on the day of your mammogram. This is because metallic particles contained in powders, deodorants, and perfumes could be visible on the mammogram, making results confusing.

The Day of the Mammography

The day of your test you might want to avoid wearing jewelry, since you will be asked to remove jewelry for the test. You might also want to wear a two-piece outfit, since you will have to remove everything from the waist up.

Aspirin or another over the counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or ibuprofen can be taken about an hour before the mammogram to help ease any discomfort experienced during testing.

Once you arrive for your test, you will be given an examination gown. You will be asked to remove jewelry, if you are wearing any and all clothing from the waist up.

What Happens During the Mammography Screening?

During the procedure you will stand in front of an X-ray machine, specifically designed for mammography purposes. A technician will place one of your breasts on a platform that holds the X-ray film. The platform will be adjusted to your height; the technician will adjust your posture and position your body for an unobstructed view of your breast.

It is necessary that your breast be carefully pressed against the platform by use of a clear plastic plate used to spread out breast tissue. This is essential so that the X-rays can penetrate the tissue. You may find this uncomfortable, or even a little painful. If discomfort is too great, tell the technician.

During X-ray exposure, you will be asked to stand still and hold your breath. Try to relax. Exposure time will be brief. The same process will be repeated for your other breast.

After the Mammogram

After both breasts have been X-rayed, you may be asked to wait until the technician checks the quality of the images. If the views are not adequate, you may have to be x-rayed. If the images are clear, you will be able to dress, and go about your day.

The entire procedure usually takes less than a half hour. A radiologist will study the x-rays. He will be looking for evidence of cancerous or non-cancerous conditions. After he examines the images, the radiologist will send your doctor a written report with the results of the tests.

Possible findings include things such as calcium deposits, most of which are benign, and masses of lumps. He will also look for distorted tissues, and areas of denseness that appear in only one breast. If the radiologist notes any areas of concern in his report, further tests will be recommended, just to be on the safe side. Roughly 5 to 15 percent of mammogram testing is followed by further testing.

Important Reminders

While mammography is a very good way to help determine whether or not cancer is present, it isn?t fool proof. Very small cancers or cancers located in a difficult to see area might not show up on the mammogram.

A mammography also is not without potential risks. During the mammogram screening you will be briefly exposed to low-dose radiation. Even so, the benefits of mammography far outweigh possible risks, especially for women over age 40.

Having a mammogram might not be top on your list of things you enjoy doing, but it nevertheless increases a woman?s chance at longevity. Mammogram screening is an effective tool that could prove life saving. That is because early detection remains a woman?s best defense in the fight against her number one enemy; breast cancer.

Every year the third Friday in October is National Mammography Day. For more information about breast cancer, visit the quick content pages at Writers Write Now web site.

?2006 Lori S. Anton Writers Write Now

Lori S. Anton has been a published writer for nearly 30 years. She is founder and editor of Writers Write Now, offering original professionally written SEO custom content, Quick Content for quick purchase, and free content for web sites. She lives in rural Wyoming with her husband and best friend, Jeff, and their darling diabetic poodle, Muffy.

How To Lose Weight Naturally

Losing weight and managing to keep off the pounds has become an unreachable dream for most people. No matter what weight loss control program they go into, losing weight seems to be next to impossible.

For weight watchers who have been into a merry go round of various weight loss programs, losing weight is already a lost battle. They have done anything and everything to keep of the pounds without success that winning such battle would already be considered a miracle.

The present lifestyle as well as busy schedules of most people has forced them to eat anything that can be heated in the microwave for ten minutes, fried in succulent oil in five minutes or those foods that can be eaten immediately out of the can.

This lifestyle and food preferences has caused the rise in obesity cases all over the world. Along with obesity come the inevitable ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, high uric acid and heart ailments, Added to that are the feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and depression due to being called a fatso.

The battle against fat has become so widespread and difficult that most people would ask if there is a way to keep weight gain and obesity from destroying their lives. There are people who have resorted to liposuction and non surgical ways of keeping the pounds off. Others have their usual doses of slimming pills and shakes.

If you are one of those who want to win over the battle of the bulge, then you may just find the solution with natural weight loss programs. Natural weight loss programs are called as such because they do not rely on artificial slimming pills, food or surgery to keep the fat off. Being on a natural weight loss program means taking advantage of what nature has to remain fit and not fat.

Other people go on diet by eating foods that are low in fat and high in calories. Rice-eating people prefer going on a low carbohydrate diet. Others stick to a high fiber diet or a no-eating after six in the evening diet. These diets may be natural but it only helps the dieter for a month or two and then the pounds keep coming back. This is because most diets allow a temporary weight loss that only targets the loss of water, body tissues and even muscles. Losing muscle is not the right thing because it lowers a person's metabolic rate or capacity to burn calories. When a person's metabolism drops, weight gain will surely follow.

Most people binge on food when they are depressed or in the middle of a stressful negotiation or occurrence in their lives. To avoid binging on food and gaining weight in the process, you must solve your problem and find ways to get over your depression. A person's self control can sometimes be the key to weight loss.

A natural way to keep the fats out of your belly is to eat more food. However, the foods you should eat should come from a certain category of food which they call non-caloric food. The name is really a misnomer because all foods have caloric, vitamins or mineral contents. However, such food groups are known as zero-caloric foods because the calories required to burn them is more than the caloric content of such food.

Among these zero-caloric foods are broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, pineapple, cabbage, apples, zucchini, lettuce and carrots. By eating more of these foods you satiate yourself and do not deprive your eating urges. However, the result is that you burn more calories as these foods require more calories to burn.

For advanced fat burning techniques, please visit

Hoodia Gordonii Side Effects

The side effects of hoodia may be unknown at this point. Other than thirst suppression, which most people think of as minor, but should be recognized in order to avoid dehydration. Most diet experts recommend eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day. That may seem like a lot, but most sports bottles contain about twenty ounces, so three a day and you should be covered.

One side effect associated with appetite suppressants which contain stimulants is increased heart rate. No studies of hoodia gordonii side effects list increased heart rate. In animal studies, no increased heart rate was noted. Phytopharm, the British pharmaceutical company which is licensed to develop the active molecule in hoodia gordonii, published the results of one clinical study and noted that there was no increase in heart rate among participants. Phytopharm recently announced that phase one of a five phase research project has been completed. Generally companies do not proceed with research if dangerous side effects are noted, but in some cases pharmaceutical companies develop drugs which are known to pose health risks and complicate existing health problems. There may be unknown side effects of hoodia gordonii. Phytopharm is not publishing research reports.

Informal studies of hoodia gordonii side effects performed by supplement companies and in some cases by independent practitioners have reported no increase in heart rate, no increase in blood pressure and no detrimental side effects. Animal studies performed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa reported that animals lost weight after being fed hoodia, but not because of any toxic effect. The CSIR is credited with identifying and isolating the active molecule in hoodia gordonii. It appears that the side effects of hoodia are none.

Product reviews, testimonials and customer comments contain no reference to side effects of hoodia. Published negative comments indicate that some products do not work for some people. Individuals have reported trying several different products before finding one that worked for them. If there are hoodia gordonii side effects, then no one is talking about them.

For more information about hoodia gordonii side effects, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog, visit us at

Hoodia Gordonii Propagation and Cultivation

Hoodia gordonii is highly sought after for its reputation as a natural appetite suppressant. Because hoodia gordonii propagation (natural reproduction of the species) in the wild is threatened and cultivation is so difficult, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) placed all hoodia species, not just hoodia gordonii, on a list known as Appendix II in January of 2005. Appendix II is a list of species which are not currently threatened by extinction, but have the potential to become threatened if trade is not closely controlled. This means that special permits are required to trade or export hoodia gordonii plants or seeds in raw or processed forms.

The governments of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa requested that all 15 species of the hoodia genus be protected, because they were concerned that the other species could be mistaken for hoodia gordonii and harvested for use as an appetite suppressant. None of the other species were traditionally used by indigenous peoples as an appetite suppressant, but those who have only heard that hoodia is an appetite suppressant may believe that this applies to all species. The government?s goal is to protect hoodia gordonii propagation in the wild and propagation of the other species, as well.

In the Northern and Western Cape areas of South Africa, no on is allowed to collect hoodia gordonii plants or seeds without a valid permit. No one is allowed to harvest or transport any hoodia material without a valid permit. Cultivation requires a relevant permit and export requires a phyto-sanitary certificate from the National Department of Agriculture, as well as a CITES certificate. In order to protect hoodia gordonii propagation in Namibia, no harvesting, no collection of plants or seeds is permitted (with or without a permit) until the government has reviewed the status of the species.

The countries in southern Africa are not only concerned about protecting hoodia gordonii propagation. When the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research identified the molecule which is responsible for the appetite suppressing abilities of hoodia gordonii (it is unclear whether the molecule is found in hoodia gordonii plants or seeds, or only the stems or flowers) and licensed the rights for further development to Phytopharm, they also entered into a benefit sharing agreement with the San communities. The San peoples traditionally used the hoodia gordonii plant for several medicinal purposes and assisted the CSIR in identifying the species. The governments are concerned that hoodia trade may infringe on this benefit sharing agreement, as well as the patent rights.

Hoodia gordonii propagation in the wild is assisted by the wind. Seeds are carried away from the mother plants in a way that is similar to the way that dandelion seeds are spread. Collection of hoodia gordonii plants or seeds interferes with this process. Cultivation of the species may be beneficial to mankind, but may eventually cause the extinction of the plant in the wild.

For more information about hoodia gordonii propagation, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at

Home Fitness Equipment Versus a Gym Membership

The debate: should you pay for a membership to a gym? Or should you buy some home fitness equipment, instead? Although this may seem like a simple question, it is mostly just a question of money. Both gym memberships and home fitness equipment can be very expensive. If you have the money, definitely buy both. If you do not? here is a quick guide to help you decide which is best for you.

Benefits of a gym membership:

? Exercising around other people can be highly motivating ? it might just motivate you stay on that treadmill for 10 minutes longer (even if it is just because you do not want to look foolish getting off too soon).

? Gyms often have classes that you can drop in on. Again, there are benefits to working out with other people. Also, many of these classes are just as fun as they are good for you. And you can make it a point to visit the same classes day after day ? it is a good way to get you to the gym.

? Gyms have multiple types of equipment and weights ? a lot more than you would be able to fit into your home. At a gym, you have a choice between the elliptical machine, a treadmill, a recumbent bike, a rowing machine, etc. There are also multiple weight machines for you to use ? each one focusing on a different muscle.

? The equipment is kept up-to-date. Your gym might have some of the newest and greatest exercise equipment available.

? At a gym, you can hire a personal trainer (and sometimes you can even get one for free!). A personal trainer can help you decide what sort of workout is best for your body type and to accomplish the goals that you have in mind. Some gyms even have nutritionists on staff.

? Some gyms have swimming pools and saunas, etc.

Benefits of home fitness equipment:

? You do not have to pay monthly or yearly fees. Once you buy your home fitness equipment, you have few other costs associated with it.

? You can hop right out of bed to go use your home fitness equipment ? you do not need to make sure that your hair looks all right, and you do not need to waste time and money driving to the gym.

? You can put in a movie or watch whatever TV you choose to when you are exercising at home.

? If you start to feel sick, hungry, thirsty, or need to go to the bathroom during the middle of a workout, you can stop right then without feeling embarrassed.

? You can exercise at any time you wish, night or day.

? Many types of home fitness equipment can be easily stored away when you are not using it, so you do not have to worry about sacrificing space in your house.

All in all, the choice is completely up to you. There are many people who buy home fitness equipment, only to let it get dusty, sitting in the garage. Likewise, there are many people who buy year-long gym memberships and then find that they stop going after just a few months. No matter what, though, it is a good idea to have a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment at home ? like 2 five or ten pound barbells ? in case you ever feel inspired to work out but do not feel like leaving.

And if you find that you do not have enough money for either a membership or equipment for your home, why not go take a jog or a walk outside? Go on a hike, play in the park, or ride your bike. The most important thing is that you find an outlet to get some exercise, regardless of whether it is at a gym, at home, or outside.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, exercise, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on exercise equipment please visit Home Fitness Equipment.

History of Yoga

Yoga is a union of body, mind, and spirit. The history of yoga is long and steeped in tradition. Yoga is an ancient system of health and fitness which originated in India. The word yoga has its first mention in the Rig Veda, the oldest of the sacred texts. Those that study Yoga estimate it's age to be four thousand year.

The history of Yoga can be divided into four main periods which are the pre-classical period, classical period, post-classical period and modern period. In the history of yoga, the book is called the yoga sutras. The history of yoga would not have been completed in the classical stage of yoga.

The word Yoga literally meant the Yolk that joins something together, such as an ox to a cart. The idea is that yoga unites all aspects of being into one.

What most people envision to be Yoga, those contortionist postures, is really only one small aspect of a much larger field of practices. The methods of yoga includes ethical disciplines, physical postures, breathing control and as well as meditation.

The 20th century witnessed a renaissance of yoga that caused a globalization of this ancient tradition. Modern approaches to yoga have created a clear delineation between the Hindu religion and the practice of yoga. Through the practice of yoga, an individual can gain information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Over the long history of yoga, different schools have emerged, and there are numerous examples branches and philosophies that have spawned. Ultimately, all agree on one common element the fundamental purpose of yoga is to foster harmony in the body, mind, and environment.

Today yoga is accepted as a comprehensive exercise to promote control of the body and mind. More than just a means of being fit and trim, yoga can help you live a healthy, whole, and empowered life. In recent decades, yoga has greatly and swiftly evolved. Yoga is the most diversified spiritual practice in the world. The living tradition of yoga now recognizes no borders as it continues to spread globally.

Rob Daniels is a long term practitioner of Yoga and Pilates additional articles available at Pilates Shop and Yoga Store

HighFiber Foods For A HeartHealthy You

It's not where you start, it's where you finish. So get the morning off to a great start with a bowl of high fiber cereal with fresh fruit. Fiberlady is pleased to inform you that if you choose a cereal high in fiber with your favorite fruit topping, you could get as much as a third of your daily fiber requirement. For optimal health, 25-30 daily grams of fiber-rich foods is the goal. High fiber foods effectively reduce the risk of cancer, gastrointestinal conditions and diseases, and the all too prevalent killer in our society, heart disease.

The heart is a fascinating organ. It beats to its own rhythm and when the rhythm is off, it can be your wake up call to action. When you proactively choose high fiber foods in your everyday menus, you will find some amazingly natural benefits, including weight loss. Foods that are high in fiber are filling, so you tend to eat less at mealtime. Snacking even becomes less compelling.

There are many studies that have verified the importance of a high fiber diet. One such 11-year British study showed how women and men reduced their chances of death from all causes by one third because of their high fiber intake. For women, the risk of heart disease was cut by nearly a half.

An important Harvard study revealed that women who consumed 23 grams of daily fiber, mostly from cereal, were much less likely (about 23% less likely) to have a heart attack than women who ate lesser quantities of fiber-rich foods. For men who ate a high fiber diet, the odds for a heart attack were reduced by 36%. Another study found that foods high in fiber lowered cholesterol levels, blood pressure and triglycerides. All of these are variables of potential heart disease.

The lack of dietary fiber is a critical issue in the hearts of most Americans' diets. Fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, lentils, and whole grain breads are the high fiber foods that provide you with the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are the key essentials for good health and a healthy heart.

Fiberlady heartily encourages you to fulfill your dietary fiber requirements until it becomes second nature to your lifestyle. And to get you started, she would like to share with you this delicious heart-healthy, high-fiber recipe. Add it to your summertime dining menu. It will make your heart sing!

Spinach and Wild Greens Salad with Avocado

Servings: 4


* 4 cups organic salad greens mix

* 4 cups spinach leaves, stemmed

* 1/2 red onion, sliced

* 1 avocado, sliced

* 1 orange, peeled and sectioned

* 1/4 cup pine nuts

* 1/2 cup bottled lime dill salad dressing


Combine salad greens and spinach and place on plates. Assemble remaining ingredients on top and drizzle with dressing.

Calories: 384, Total Fat: 30 grams
Fiber: 13.3 grams

Stephanie Shank aka Fiberlady has studied nutrition for many healthy years which prompted her commitment to a high fiber lifestyle and the development of her informative website High Fiber Health

Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises

There are many health benefits to doing a regular daily aerobic workout. Taking part in any type of aerobic exercise greatly improves a person's health and fitness levels and of course, it can also be effective in weight loss since different types of aerobic activities help to burn more calories and for that reason can be combined with a healthy diet to produce even more health benefits. The term 'aerobics' means 'with oxygen' since you take in oxygen when you breathe and when you are exercising your breathing is faster and you feel quite warm and sweaty when you are working out as a result of taking in more air. This type of workout is extremely good for the heart and helps in delivering oxygen to different parts of the body.

What Type of Activities are Aerobic Workouts?

Aerobic activity can involve any type of exercise that raises a person's metabolism. Some of the more popular exercises include swimming, cycling, walking, jogging, running, stair climbing and general aerobic workouts. However, any kind of activity or exercise will help to improve a person's fitness level and aid in a person's weight loss. For instance, performing household chores such as vacuuming and cleaning can also contribute towards raising a person's fitness level.

What about dancing or bouncing on a trampoline, skipping, rowing, basketball or skating? These activities are also very good at burning calories.

In other words, any type of exercise will help you to get fitter as long as you do it regularly and it does not have to involve activities that are exhausting to perform. In fact, doing regular light or moderate aerobic activities is easier to maintain and gives better results since they are more likely to be kept up than aerobic exercises that involve high intensity workouts. In any case, it is always best to start at a lower level and gradually increase your activity levels when you get fitter.

For a person who is new to exercising or someone who finds it difficult to get themselves motivated or stick to any form of aerobic exercise, the best place to start is with doing something you enjoy for around thirty minutes a day three to five times a week. One of the easiest aerobic exercises to perform is walking since a person can start off doing a low intensity workout that is easy to keep up and then gradually progress to a more effective type of brisk walking. The only special requirement is a reasonably good pair of walking shoes and appropriate clothing. There are many people who enjoy performing this type of activity since it doesn't really feel as though they are doing any specific kind of aerobic exercise. Many have increased their fitness levels to the point where they actually enjoy going jogging or running.

The thing to keep in mind with exercising is that any type of aerobic activity is effective as long as it is adhered to regularly and when it is performed on the right fitness level to suit the person doing the exercises.
Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Aerobics

Gustavo Badell Biography

Gustavo Badell was born on November 3, 1972 in Venezuela. He currently resides in Puerto Rico with his wife and two kids. Gustavo stands only 5'8" but weighs in on stage at a ripped 240 pounds. Of course, Gustavo must do a clean bulk prior to a contest where his weight can get as high as 270 pounds. He still keeps a low bodyfat during his pre-contest bulk, which is why Gustavo can easily switch from off-season to pre-contest mode very easily.

At the age of 15, Gustavo was actively involved with contact sports such as boxing and kickboxing. Two years later he started becoming involved with amateur boxing but was too skinny make a name for himself. His trainer suggested that he should start weight lifting to put on weight, and he then followed the rigors of an intense workout. After noticing his great genetics, and arms that were almost too big for his body, his fellow gym members suggested that he should get into bodybuilding. Gustavo never thought twice!

Gustavo`s bodybuilding career started slowly, but once he found a better rythm for himself, he has become one of the better pro bodybuilders in the IFBB. The following contest results of Gustavo Badell proves this:

1997 World Amateur Championships-10th
1998 Grand Prix Germany-9th
1999 Grand Prix England-17th
1999 Night of Champions-Did Not Place
1999 World Pro Championships-14th
2000 Ironman Pro-18th
2000 Night of Champions Did Not Place
2000 Toronto Pro -Did Not Place
2000 World Pro Championships -11th
2001 Grand Prix England Did Not Place
2001 Ironman Pro Invitational -16th
2001 San Francisco Pro Invitational-11th
2002 Ironman Pro Invitational -13th
2002 Night of Champions-10th
2002 Mr. Olympia-24th
2002 Southwest Pro Cup-6th
2002 Toronto Pro Invitational-3rd
2004 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic-7th
2004 Ironman Pro Invitational-3rd
2004 San Francisco Pro Invitational-4th
2004 Show of Strength Pro Championship-3rd
2004 Mr. Olympia-3rd

Gustavo`s fan base continues to rise at an alarming rate, and he even has his own video`s that allow you to see inside information in the life of Gustavo Badell:

1)Gustavo "The Great" Badell (DVD)
2)Gustavo Badell - Common Sense (DVD)

Great pictures of Gustavo can be purchased at


Guide to a Fit Body

Since times fitness experts recommend running, walking, weightlifting etc for a fit body. There are many outdoor sports like basketball, football etc which are very good physical activities. If you are aiming for a perfect body then choose a right trainer to receive proper guideline. It is not advisable to try out exercises by yourself because every movement of the body affects some organ or the other and so a trainer with proper knowledge of the subject is required.

Weightlifting is one of the methods to create a tougher body so that you become fit to participate in many events. Weight lifting is practiced to strengthen some particular parts of the body. Before beginning it you are supposed to wear the gloves so that you do not feel the corns in your palms.

Gymnasium is one of the ideal places for the budding athletes and health conscious people. Here you will find two types of apparatus used for different purposes i.e. machine, which displays the number of workouts performed by the user and also free weights. The machine is very useful in tracing the actual capacity of the user. They both have a different function and are used to better different parts of the body.

There is another set of exercise especially for the patients suffering from heart illnesses such as heart attacks, coronary heart disease or atria fibrillation, which needs to be consulted with a physician. For such people, light exercises are suggested for the systematic movements of the cardiovascular system such as brisk walking, light weigh lifts etc.

Even the routine dietary pattern plays a major role in shaping your body. The most recommended form of diet is the combination of solid and fluid intake. The food must build up the body tissues and strengthen the muscle fibers. Nutrition?s like carbohydrates and proteins are the building blocs of energy in our body.

Now a day it has become a necessity to build an energetic and a strong body because we need to be physically as well as mentally tough. So manage at least some time daily to work out with the exercise schedule.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Fresh Fruit Make a Healthy Decision

Considering the state of America today in regard to weight and nutrition concerns, a lovely fruit basket is not a bad idea to have around. It?s great to have a basket of fresh fruit in the kitchen for when you get those between-meals snack attacks, or especially if you enjoy sweets, a fruit basket close at hand can help thwart your unhealthy desires to snack on cookies or cupcakes etc.

Not only for yourself but also for your family and even for the friends who visit you it is great to encourage healthy eating habits. Eating fruit regularly is a good place to start. As a snack between meals, as part of your meal, or even as a substitute for those midnight sweets you crave. A basket of fresh fruit always stocked with your favorites is one of the best kinds of health incentives for the home.

If you have young children they can develop a real taste for nutritious foods if that is what they are eating at home. Encouraging children to have a piece of fruit instead of candy or cookies may not be something they mind too much. In fact, sometimes children will prefer fruits to other kinds of sweets because their taste buds have adapted to the flavor. This is one wonderful way to avoid child obesity as well as malnutrition, it will also carry over into the child?s adult life, they will have healthier eating habits and continue those healthy eating habits.

So keeping fresh fruit baskets in your home is a great idea?but what about the snacking you do away from home. I suggest keeping a few pieces of fruit in the office break-room, or make sure to bring a piece of fruit for lunch. It may even be a welcomed suggestion to keep a basket of fresh fruit in the break room for all of the employees?you know, instead of those doughnuts and cookies and fudge bars that always seem to appear.

Just because you are not skinny, that doesn?t mean you get the nourishment you need. In fact, you could simply be building up all of the bad things for your body and none of the good. If you are not eating right, it is very important that you find healthy foods that you enjoy and try to make major changes in your eating habits.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, health, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on health and nourishment please visit Fresh Fruits.

For A Rendezvous Between The Bold And The Beautiful

Fraternity at the ?age of enlightenment?

When Rousseau asked men to break free of their chains, imagine the plight of those lone strangers who was struck within the chains of erectile dysfunction. The revolution was at the turn of a few broadways, life was going high within the ?age of enlightenment? and freedom, liberty and fraternity were the need of those hours. Alas but the lone strangers cried hard to break themselves free from impotence, the lone strangers wagered for the battle of the sexes to fall for their side and then amidst shouts of a successful revolution, the bidders bided for the freedom that Rousseau had ignited in their hearts. The fraternity was to save the race from degenerating sexual health; the liberty was to invent a drug. Then miles apart in the spacetime, the relativity theory brings you to amble past man?s glorious inventions. What strikes as a jewel in those crowns is the marvel of Viagra.

Born free yet taut with chains

When Rousseau pleaded for men who were born free yet taut with chains, men with bad sexual health were forgotten with the last of their race falling apart. Purchasing Leads Can Do More Harm Than Good, on the edge of the cliff when the lone stranger cries hard to be taken by the breeze, we have a better pill than the ?Confessions?, we have Viagra, to avert the disaster. The disaster is as obvious as the pure sunlight, as flowing as the stream down hill and as consuming as the strongest tipple; and when it strikes none is left to talk high on impotency.

Rousseau Redefined

For those thus ?born free?, to live life free, to avert the crisis, the fraternity pleads to buy Viagra. For those born free, to live life free, the fraternity commands to challenge the odds. Sexual health, let it be remembered is as vital as the life you have; procreation is as essential as to sustain your legacy and if it were not for that bare fact there wouldn?t have been a person to direct you with the essence of what Rousseau actually meant when he wanted men to discard their chains. Let that chains symbolize the break of a cult, a cult that considered hedonism to be a sin. Viagra is for the passionate; for the passionate who indulges in and creeps slowly like the wildest creepers around the soft touches; Viagra is for the rendezvous between the bold and the beautiful.

Daniels Charles, an associated editor to, is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related issues.Or write to him at . Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciated. Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Futures Trading

All futures contracts are generally made for the purpose of speculation or hedging. As such, the general procedure for settlement is the neutralization of the original contract by an opposite contract on settlement, so that only difference between the current and the contract price is paid or received. It is rare that actual delivery of the goods is taken, and the price paid in settlement of futures contracts.

Futures trading is the most notable feature of business activity on the commodity exchange. In fact, the commodity exchanges are organized mainly for futures contracts. The futures contracts are made for two distinct purposes: speculation and hedging. Accordingly, they are either speculative or hedging contracts. Speculative activity is such an important part of the commodity exchanges that commodity exchanges are sometimes referred to as the speculative market.

All speculation represents an attempt on the part of individual to peep far into the future out of the window of the present. Speculation refers to an attempt to estimate the future trend of prices and proceed on that basis, to result in profit. Commodities may be bought at the current price with the assumption of selling them at a higher price in future or vice-versa.

The line between gambling and speculation is very thin. On the surface both appear to be the same, but in fact speculation refers to the taking up of legitimate enterprise (purchase or sale of property, commodities, etc.) on the basis of an analysis of market trends and other factors that have a bearing on prices. When, however, people start speculating recklessly and blindly without applying their mind and intelligence, and without possessing the resources necessary to meet their commitments, it degenerates into sheer gambling.

Futures Trading provides detailed information on Futures Trading, Online Futures Tradings, Futures Trading Software, Commodity Futures Tradings and more. Futures Trading is affiliated with Stock Day Trading.

Free Debt Management Programs

Free debt management programs are designed to overcome the burden of debt accumulated from personal loans, medical bills, credit cards and unpaid utility bills. Choosing the right free debt management program is the primary step on the way to ending financial crisis.

To eliminate consumer debt, debt consolidation through a debt management company is an efficient way. When an agreement is signed with a debt management company, creditors will be contacted and a deal will be made to reduce interest rates. The debtor will have to pay a consolidated single monthly payment to the debt management company, which will be distributed equally among the creditors.

The free debt management services that are open to the public have various advantages, unique to their respective companies. Some companies may formulate a program in which the debtors are requested to deposit money once a month into a trust account. The advantage of this free debt management program is that one need not worry about the other outstanding debts that are taken care of by the company. The company may also request the creditors to lower the interest rates. Free debt management programs also include the formulation of a workable budget plan. The debtor can avail of credit counseling provided by these companies. These services, which are purely nonprofit, are mostly charity services carried out through churches or other non-profit organizations.

Credit Card Math is a free debt management tool that helps reveal the true hidden costs associated with credit card debt. Credit Card Math provides directions to get out of debt incurred, save money and stay away from the meshes set by credit card companies.

The choice of a free debt management program is up to the debtor. A free debt management program that helps to consolidate one?s debts and negotiate with creditors to obtain the lowest monthly obligation is an ideal choice.

Debt Management Programs provides detailed information on Debt Management Programs, Debt Management Services, Free Debt Management Programs, Best Debt Management Programs and more. Debt Management Programs is affiliated with Debt Management Solutions Plan.

Free Debt and Bill Consolidation

Debt and bill consolidation is the process of eliminating debt from many loans by taking out one loan that pays off the many loans, thus enabling the debtor to make a single monthly payment on one loan. This helps in paying off the debt at a reduced interest rate, since the new loan would be a secured loan while the earlier loans were unsecured loans, mainly credit card balances.

A free debt and bill consolidation is when such a process is managed and administered by a debt consolidation company free of charge. Normally, the consolidation process is undertaken by the consolidation company for a fee that is charged to the debtor?s account. A consolidation company charges fees at various stages.

Fees involved in a debt consolidation program are typically a percentage of the total debt to be consolidated. A debtor incurs a fee first when the consolidation company sets up his or her account and does an analysis of the debt situation. The company charges again when they initiate contact with the creditors, and also when they send out letters to the creditors and collection companies to refrain from sending collection letters and embarrassing calls to the debtor. A final service fee falls due on the debtor when the consolidation company actually holds discussions with the creditors to agree to a feasible payment program.

Though the aforementioned need not be the case with every company, it serves to inform the debtor of the fees incurred in debt consolidation. This is an increasing trend in the U.S. where fierce competition among debt consolidation companies has resulted in such companies looking elsewhere for fees than target the already helpless debtor.

Debt And Bill Consolidation provides detailed information on Debt And Bill Consolidation, Debt Management Programs, Free Debt and Bill Consolidation, Debt and Bill Consolidation Companies and more. Debt And Bill Consolidation is affiliated with Debt Reduction Credit Card Consolidation.

Five Easy Steps to Owning Your Own Home

Buying your own home is one of the largest purchases you will ever make. What should you do to get ready?

The key to a successful home purchase is making your choice through your finances, not your emotions. This takes research and patience. Here are five steps that can help you make a good decision.

1. Decide how much you can afford.

You should look at your finances in order to determine how much you can afford to spend on a home. Look at your income, assets and current debt level. You aren't looking at what percentage the lender says you can afford, you are looking at what your finances dictate. If your lender says you can spend $1,200 a month, but you know you are struggling with a rental of $1,000 a month, you probably know that you don't need any more than you already have.

You should also consider the down payment and closing costs. Lenders are usually looking for a 5% to 20% down payment.

Don't overlook other expenses, such as property taxes and homeowners insurance. Your total interest, principal, taxes and insurance payment should not exceed 28 percent of your gross monthly income according to lenders. Your total monthly debt, including your mortgage, autos, student loans and credit cards should be under 36% of your gross income.

You don't have to have a house in mind before you apply for a mortgage. It is a good idea to be pre-approved when you are looking for a home It will give you the security of knowing that you have funding and the buyer will know you mean business.

2. Look for what you want.

Spend the time to find the home you want. Find a professional realtor that can help guide you through the home search. Start by checking out neighborhoods and then narrow it down to a house. You should consider the schools, parks, commuting times and availability of public transportation.

When choosing between homes, look at the size, number of bedrooms and baths, design and amenities. Decide what your "must haves" are and what the "nice to haves" are. For example, you might be willing to trade a large kitchen for a swimming pool.

3. Negotiate for the right price.

Once you have the funding in place and have found a nice home, make an offer. Your realtor will help you in submitting your purchase contract. This will include the offer price and any contingencies, such as home inspection and appraisal.

The seller will either accept your offer, reject it or make a counter-offer. Negotiations can go back and forth until both parties are satisfied. Don't get caught up in having to get the home and loose sight of how much you can afford. You don't want to pay more for the home than it is worth.

4. Pick out of mortgage.

There are many types of mortgages to choose from. The basic two are fixed rate and adjustable rate. Fixed-rate mortgages have interest and monthly payments that remain the same throughout the life of the mortgage, which is usually 30 years or less.

Adjustable-rate mortgages are also called ARMs. They come with a lower initial rate than fixed rate mortgages, but the rate and payment amount can move up and down with the financial index. This can happen as often as twice a year.

5. Close on your home.

The closing, or settlement, is the point at which you finalize the transaction. You walk in with a check and out with your keys and the property's title. You can expect to pay between 2% and 5% of the purchase price towards closing costs. These costs include fees, services and points paid.

After closing, you can settle in to your home and enjoy all of your hard work. Five simple steps and the house you dreamed of is yours.
Martin Lukac - EzineArticles Expert Author

Martin Lukac, represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate/mortgage market. We specialize in daily updates, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

First Time Home Owner Loans

How to plan for first time home owner loans?

First time home owner loans are also known as first time buyer mortgages. Are you looking for a dream home where you want to spend all your beautiful moments with your family? Avail first time home owner loans. First time home owner loans are easily available in the UK financial market. Lenders are offering best deals to their customers for such loans.

First time home owner loans are for people purchasing their dream home for the first time. Purchasing a home for the first time may need some down payment. But, many lenders provide 100 per cent mortgage, where you need not deposit any down payment. The house you have purchased acts as collateral. Lenders offer such loans at low rate of interest. Lenders also offer longer repayment period.

Going for such a big deal with the lenders for the first time needs some prior knowledge and points to think about. Some of these points are:

? Budget: The total budget includes the price of the house and interest payment. If the budget you have calculated is more than what you can manage, you should look for another cheaper house under your budget plan.

? Credit report: For quick loan approval, you should keep the credit report with you. Credit reports are provided by credit report agencies.

? Market survey: Lenders with cut throat competition in the financial market provide alluring offers. Choosing the right deal sometimes becomes a tough task. Borrowers through Internet can survey the market and look for the best lenders.

With first time home owner loans, you can definitely own your dream home.

First Time Home Owner Loans

First Time Home Buying Seven Steps to Success

Your first-time home buying experience can be stressful and chaotic, or it can be smooth and easy. The difference comes from having a solid plan and knowing what to expect. The following checklist will help make your home buying process a smooth one:

Step 1. Review your credit and finances.
Mortgage lenders will put your credit and finances under the microscope. So before you begin the home buying process, you should review these things for yourself.

Start by requesting a copy of your credit report from the big three credit agencies -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Review your credit report closely for errors. If you find an error, work to correct it right away, as the process takes time. For instructions on correcting your credit report, refer to the websites of the three agencies.

You should also review your finances to determine how much of a home you can comfortably afford. Use an online mortgage calculator to determine monthly payments based on total price. This will give you a rough idea of where your comfort zone lies.

Step 2. Learn about mortgages.
Once you've reviewed your finances, credit and purchasing power, you should start researching the different types of mortgages. Each type of mortgage has its pros and cons. Finding the one that's right for you will depend on many factors, such as how long you plan to own the home, how much you can afford to pay up front, etc.

When reading about the different types of mortgages, pay close attention to any sentence that starts with "This mortgage might be a good option for you if..."

Step 3. Visit
At HBI, you can learn about the home buying process in depth. HBI is the Internet's largest library of home buying tips and advice, and best of all it's free!

Step 4. Make a wish list.
Now that you have a better understanding of the financial side of things, you can begin to create a home "wish list." Write down all the things you want from a home. Include the size, features, location, etc. Categorize each item on the list as a "need" or a "want." This list will save you time, narrow down your search, and help you stay focused.

Step 5. Find a good agent.
Even with all of the home buying information available online, it's a good idea to hire a professional real estate agent. When you consider how much money you'll pay for a new home, an agent's fee will seem miniscule by comparison. Combine that with the peace of mind you get from having professional guidance, and it's even more apparent why you should use an agent.

To find an agent, start by asking family or friends if they can refer a local agent they were happy with. If that doesn't produce any leads, try using search engines or the websites of well-known companies.

Step 6. Get pre-approved for a home loan.
Pre-approval from a mortgage lender will help you in several ways: (1) It will reveal how much you can realistically afford. (2) It will help you identify credit problems early on in the home buying process. (3) It will show sellers you're serious about buying (which can be helpful when there are multiple buyers / offers).

Step 7. Get a home inspection.
Whether you're buying a new home or an older one, a home inspection is always a good idea. Inspections cost around $500, which is a small price to pay for peace of mind. A home inspector will examine the home's roof, foundation, heating / cooling system and other important areas.

* Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett. You may republish this article online provided you keep the byline, author's note, and active hyperlinks.

Learn more:
For more advice on first time home buying, visit -- the Internet's largest library of home buying tips and articles. Online at

First Time Home Buyer Mortgage Live In Your Home With Pride

First time home buyer mortgage is designed for the people, purchasing home for the very first time. It?s no more a distant dream to have a home one fine day. First time home buyer mortgage fulfills your long time dream.

No one loves to live as a tenant and wasting huge money on rent every month. We all prefer to live freely and comfortably without anyone?s objections and interference. First time home buyer mortgage gives you that ample opportunity to buy your own home and live life lavishly.

First time home buyer mortgage is very beneficial for people, who are buying homes for the first time. They enjoy low rate of interest and long repayment duration. So, they are not overburdened with heavy loan repayment.

Beside this first time home buyer mortgage requires a little amount as a down payment right at the beginning, while lender bears rest of the amount of the purchase. The house you have bought is like a security for the lender. Thus, if you fail to pay your mortgage loan, the lender can repossess your home.

You can avail first time home buyer mortgage despite of the fact you have a poor credit record. There are many lenders who now give you mortgages despite of your poor credit. They understand poor credit is very common and is prone to illness, insolvency, CCJs etc. That?s why they no more refuse to help you out.

To know more about first time home buyer mortgage you can always search through web or Internet. You will be acquainted with all the facts and figures of various lenders and their policies for granting loan.

webmaster home buyer mortgage

Gem State Idaho Child Support

Establishing and Enforcing Idaho Child Support Orders

If you do not already have a child support order, Idaho Child Support Services office can help you navigate the legal requirements to get one. To begin the process, you must provide as much information as possible to the child support office regarding your child and the non-custodial parent. Information that may be requested includes contact information, birth dates, Social Security numbers, and employment details. Child support orders are established through the court system. Therefore, Idaho Child Support Services office does charge fees for this service. If the other parent does not contest the child support order, you will be charged $330-$360. If it is necessary to go to court to establish the child support order, you will be charged $475. In most cases, the non-custodial parent will be required to pay the legal costs associated with getting the child support order.

Once a child support order exists, Idaho child support office can enforce it through such actions as income withholding, intercepting tax refunds, suspending licenses, or reporting debts to credit agencies.

Changing a Child Support Order

Either parent can request a review of the child support order if he or she feels it should be changed. In Idaho, all changes to child support orders must be signed by a judge, but to avoid unnecessary legal fees, you can request the Idaho?s Child Support Services office reviews the child support order and circumstances before beginning the legal process. If you would like to request a review of your child support order, you should submit a letter to your local child support office, explaining why you believe the order should change. Idaho?s child support office will review a child support order every three years, or if there has been a major change in the financial or custodial circumstances of the case.

When a review is requested, Idaho child support office will send a letter to both you and your child?s other parent to request information about your case. You will have 30 days to provide the necessary information. When the review is complete, the child support office will send a letter to both parents explaining their decision.

If both parents agree to the changes suggested by the child support services office, you will be asked to sign an agreement. A judge will then review the changes and sign the order. If both parents do not agree to the suggested changes, a court date is set, and a judge will decide if changes should be made to the order. The legal process of changing a child support order may take up to a few months. Idaho child support services office will also charge a legal fee of approximately $360 anytime a child support order is changed. At any time throughout this process, you may hire a private attorney to represent your interests.

Finding A Vioxx or any Attorney

Since a south Texas jury awarded more than a quarter billion dollars to the widow of a man who died after using Merck's Vioxx medication, the trial lawyers have been circling the web. Sites pop up every day, looking for new parties whom lawyers can represent. Banding together a large group of plantiffs puts a firm in a powerful position with regard to the court system and makes the company more likely to try to strike a deal.

Some estimates are that over 7,500 suits are pending or have already been filed with Courts throughout the United States. "Merck may be vigorously defending itself, but the blood is in the water," said Consumer Help Web President Joan Bounacos. "It is critical that consumers pick the right attorney if they intend to participate in legal proceedings."

Consumer Help Web, the Internet's leading consumer advocacy organization announced today a checklist to help consumers find the right legal representation if they are considering a Vioxx claim.

1. Ask your physician for a referral. Although every state "certifies" attorneys in different areas of expertise, your physician may know of an attorney whose practice involves healthcare-related cases.

2. Another resource to use is at, which provides a list of self-reported information from law firms organized by city. That list is located at

3. Shop for an attorney based on the attorney's experience, proposed fees (especially any contingency fees in the event of a settlement) and referrals. Do not simply pick the first attorney who approaches you or one who offers a lower contingency fee without first investigating them.

4. Check with your local bar association to ensure there are no pending or previous complaints regarding your attorney. An interactive listing of local bar associations can be found for free on the web at

5. Once you have selected a lawyer, read everything carefully before you sign a document. Ask for "plain English" descriptions of any wording you do not understand. Once you are given that description, ask to have the description added to your Agreement as an addendum.

6. Make sure you understand who will be your contact in the attorney's firm. In many cases, the actual client contact will be with paralegals and associate attorneys. If you insist on regular meetings with the attorney signing an agrement with you, be prepared to write that requirement into the agreement. Also be prepared to pay extra for those meetings on a billable hour basis.

7. Understand what rights you are surrendering. In your Agreement, you may be assigning the attorney the opportunity to combine your case with others, sell or trade the case to another attorney or accept a settlement if a combined class votes to do so. That settlement's provisions will often allow for attorney's fees to be deducted from the initial amount. That means the attorneys are paid first.

8. Make sure your Agreement specifies what information or evidence you will need to provide and who will bear the costs of gathering that evidence.

9. Keep a written record of all conversations and correspondence with your attorney before, during and after signing an Agreement.

10. Inform your physician that you are now represented by legal counsel. You are not required to say anything, but doing so will help nurture trust and goodwill in your doctor-patient relationship.

Filing An Income Tax Return

When the month of April rolls around most of America is preparing their income tax returns. Each year all individuals who made an income are required to report that income to federal and state governments by filing an income tax return.

Taxpayers must file two separate income tax returns. One income tax return goes to the federal government and the other goes to the state government that a particular taxpayer resides in. The majority of taxpaying Americans are able to fill out a Form 1040A: U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Individuals that do not have any children or other qualifying dependents are able to file a federal 1040EZ form. This form is also referred to as the Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers With No Dependents. The 1040EZ is basically a shorter version of the 1040A form; however, taxpayers must meet certain requirements before filing a 1040EZ form.

The majority of taxpayers will have the federal income tax forms they need mailed to their home. The option to have federal income tax forms mailed to a taxpayer is given on the previous year?s tax forms. Taxpayers who do not wish to receive federal income tax forms but do need them can get the forms from a number of sources. Many paper forms are available for pickup at many local post offices, banks, and libraries. Taxpayers can also visit the website of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which is found at The Internal Revenue Service has a collection of federal income tax forms that can be downloaded and printed.

When a taxpayer reports their income earned to their state government they will also have to fill out a state tax return form. Each state has their own income tax return forms. The form numbers will all be different because they vary from state to state; however, some forms will have the same heading. It is not uncommon for a state income tax form to be known as the Resident Income Tax Return. As with federal income tax returns, the majority of states have a long income tax return form and a short one. Taxpayers who are able to fill out and file a short state income tax return are encouraged to do so because it saves many taxpayers a large amount of tax preparation time. As with most federal income tax forms, state tax return individuals are likely to have a packet of state income tax forms mailed directly to their home. It is also possible for taxpayers to find their state tax forms at their local post office, financial institution, or library.

In addition to the traditional taxpaying individual, there are others who have to report and possibly pay an income tax. All businesses and estate properties of an individual who has passed on are subject to an income tax. A small business owner or the executor of an estate property will have to file different federal and state income tax forms than the traditional taxpayer. These forms can be obtained at the same places where standard federal and state forms are available.

Fiance Visas US Immigration


We have successfully obtained thousands of fiancee and marriage visas. These include visas for wives and husbands in all countries including Latin America (Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama), asian countries (China, Viet Nam, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China), the former USSR (Russia, the Ukraine, Czechoslovakia), the Phillipeans, Europe Canada and more.

The length of time it takes us to obtain a fiancee visa depends on the state in which you reside, the country in which your fiancee lives and the immigration processing center where the application is processed. We will do all of the work and provide you with a realistic time estimate based upon your situation. We obtain fiancee visas for clients from every state in the U.S. Call us at (952) 746-2153.

Whether you met that special someone on a trip overseas or while she/he was visiting the United States or even in an online chat-room, if you?re ready to join as husband and wife, or at least fiances, you may be eligible to bring your fianc?(e) to the U.S. to finalize your union in marriage.

If you are a U.S. citizen and your fianc?(e) lives abroad, the Fianc? Visa may be just what you?ve been looking for. The Fianc? Visa is a relatively fast process that allows your fianc? to enter the U.S. to marry you and then adjust his/her status to lawful permanent resident based on the marriage (without having to leave the U.S.). Compared to other types of permanent status visas like the Family Based Petition, Employment Based Petition, or the Diversity Lottery program, the Fianc? Visa has a relatively fast processing time and when done properly, can reunite you and your fianc?(e) in the United States.


The first step is to file the Fianc? Visa Petition with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), with supporting documents. It is very important to submit the necessary supporting documents; failure to do so can result in long delays or even denial of the petition.

Once the petition is approved, the INS will forward the petition to the U.S. Embassy or consulate where your fianc?(e) resides. Your fianc?(e) would then be contacted by the embassy or consulate for an interview. Some of the documents that your fianc?(e) may need to present at the interview include: a valid passport, evidence of support, birth certificate, medical examination report, divorce decree or death certificate of any previous spouse, police certificates from all places lived since age sixteen (16), evidence of the validity of your relationship; and passports and medical examinations for any accompanying children.

Upon issuance of the visa, your fianc?(e) would be allowed into the U.S. to marry you; however, the marriage must take place within 90 days of your fianc?(e) entering the United States. If you do not marry your fianc?(e) within 90 days or your fianc?(e) marries someone other than you (the U.S. citizen filing the Petition for Alien Fianc?), your fianc?(e) will be required to leave the United States. In addition, your fianc?(e) may not obtain an extension of the 90-day original admission. Therefore, it is very important to marry during the 90 admission period. If your fianc?(e) does not marry you and stays beyond the 90 days, he/she will be subject to deportation as well as possible bars from returning to the United States for specified periods of time.

Permanent Residence (Green Card)

After you marry, your fianc?(e) may apply to become a permanent resident (Green Card). Your fianc?(e), now spouse, will receive conditional permanent residence status because the status is based on a marriage that was less than two years old on the day he/she was given permanent residence. The status is conditional because you and your new spouse must prove that you did not get married to evade the immigration laws of the United States. The conditional status will last for two years, at which point you must apply for removal of the conditions on the status.

Employment Authorization

Although it may take months or longer for approval of the green card, your new spouse may apply for employment authorization while the green card application is pending. Employment authorization would allow your new spouse to work legally while waiting for permanent residence.


An important reminder is that only U.S. citizens may take advantage of the Fianc Petition. Presently, there is no provision that allows lawful permanent residents to use the Fianc Petition.

If there is someone special in your life whom you are considering to be your husband or wife, we have been very successful in assisting our clients with Fianc(e) Visas and would gladly assist you with yours. Call (952) 746-2153 or visit

Fiance Visas US Immigration


We have successfully obtained thousands of fiancee and marriage visas. These include visas for wives and husbands in all countries including Latin America (Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama), asian countries (China, Viet Nam, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China), the former USSR (Russia, the Ukraine, Czechoslovakia), the Phillipeans, Europe Canada and more.

The length of time it takes us to obtain a fiancee visa depends on the state in which you reside, the country in which your fiancee lives and the immigration processing center where the application is processed. We will do all of the work and provide you with a realistic time estimate based upon your situation. We obtain fiancee visas for clients from every state in the U.S. Call us at (952) 746-2153.

Whether you met that special someone on a trip overseas or while she/he was visiting the United States or even in an online chat-room, if you?re ready to join as husband and wife, or at least fiances, you may be eligible to bring your fianc?(e) to the U.S. to finalize your union in marriage.

If you are a U.S. citizen and your fianc?(e) lives abroad, the Fianc? Visa may be just what you?ve been looking for. The Fianc? Visa is a relatively fast process that allows your fianc? to enter the U.S. to marry you and then adjust his/her status to lawful permanent resident based on the marriage (without having to leave the U.S.). Compared to other types of permanent status visas like the Family Based Petition, Employment Based Petition, or the Diversity Lottery program, the Fianc? Visa has a relatively fast processing time and when done properly, can reunite you and your fianc?(e) in the United States.


The first step is to file the Fianc? Visa Petition with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), with supporting documents. It is very important to submit the necessary supporting documents; failure to do so can result in long delays or even denial of the petition.

Once the petition is approved, the INS will forward the petition to the U.S. Embassy or consulate where your fianc?(e) resides. Your fianc?(e) would then be contacted by the embassy or consulate for an interview. Some of the documents that your fianc?(e) may need to present at the interview include: a valid passport, evidence of support, birth certificate, medical examination report, divorce decree or death certificate of any previous spouse, police certificates from all places lived since age sixteen (16), evidence of the validity of your relationship; and passports and medical examinations for any accompanying children.

Upon issuance of the visa, your fianc?(e) would be allowed into the U.S. to marry you; however, the marriage must take place within 90 days of your fianc?(e) entering the United States. If you do not marry your fianc?(e) within 90 days or your fianc?(e) marries someone other than you (the U.S. citizen filing the Petition for Alien Fianc?), your fianc?(e) will be required to leave the United States. In addition, your fianc?(e) may not obtain an extension of the 90-day original admission. Therefore, it is very important to marry during the 90 admission period. If your fianc?(e) does not marry you and stays beyond the 90 days, he/she will be subject to deportation as well as possible bars from returning to the United States for specified periods of time.

Permanent Residence (Green Card)

After you marry, your fianc?(e) may apply to become a permanent resident (Green Card). Your fianc?(e), now spouse, will receive conditional permanent residence status because the status is based on a marriage that was less than two years old on the day he/she was given permanent residence. The status is conditional because you and your new spouse must prove that you did not get married to evade the immigration laws of the United States. The conditional status will last for two years, at which point you must apply for removal of the conditions on the status.

Employment Authorization

Although it may take months or longer for approval of the green card, your new spouse may apply for employment authorization while the green card application is pending. Employment authorization would allow your new spouse to work legally while waiting for permanent residence.


An important reminder is that only U.S. citizens may take advantage of the Fianc Petition. Presently, there is no provision that allows lawful permanent residents to use the Fianc Petition.

If there is someone special in your life whom you are considering to be your husband or wife, we have been very successful in assisting our clients with Fianc(e) Visas and would gladly assist you with yours. Call (952) 746-2153 or visit

Estate Tax What It Is And How It Is Filed

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an Estate Tax is a tax that is imposed on your right to transfer your property and belongings after your death. The individual who is in charge of handing and filing an Estate Tax return is often the estate representative. An estate representative can be a family attorney or a family member who was declared the executor of an estate in a will. When dealing with an Estate Tax, there are number of things that an individual or family must do when preparing to deal with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

There are certain restrictions for estates that are subject to the Estate Tax. Each year tax laws are updated or completely changed; therefore, estate representatives or family members are encouraged to review the new Estate Tax laws. At the current time, the majority of estates are not subject to an Estate Tax if they are valued at less than one million fifty thousand dollars. The Estate Tax value is expected to increase up to two million dollars for the 2006 year. In addition to meeting a certain estate value, it is also likely that the majority of properties that are jointly owned will not be taxed if at least one property owner is still living.

An Estate Tax return is due to be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) nine months after the estate owner passed away. As with regular tax returns, it is possible for estate representatives or family members to obtain a deadline extension. If tax is owed on the estate, it still needs to be paid before the nine months arrives even if an Estate Tax return deadline was granted. Not paying the estimated amount of estate taxes due can result in late fees or additional penalties.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will determine the amount of Estate Tax owed by taking the fair market value of all property items that were previously owned by the estate owner before he or she passed away. Fair market value takes into account when an item was purchased and exactly how much it is worth today. When all of those items are added up the total is referred to as the Gross Estate. As with traditional tax returns, estate taxes are allowed tax credits and tax deductions. When all of these items are computed together the amount of tax owed will be determined.

When an Estate Tax return is being filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) there are a number of other important documents that must be sent along with the return. These items include a copy of a death certificate, copies of property appraisals, copies of litigation documents that may apply to the estate property, and a copy of the deceased?s will. As previously mentioned, an Estate Tax return can be filed by a lawyer, an estate representative, or a family member. Individuals can acquire the Form 706: United States Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer) Tax Return by contacting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or by downloading the form online.

Only a small percentage of Americans are required to file for an Estate Tax return; however, that does not mean that taxpayers do not need to know and understand what an Estate Tax is. A taxpayer may not own a high valued property; however, that does not mean that they cannot inherit one or be named an estate representative by a friend or family member who has passed on.

Enabling Sarbanes Oxley Compliance

Sarbanes Oxley compliance is not a one-day, a one-month, or even a one-year project; instead, Sarbanes Oxley compliance should be built into your corporate infrastructure as early as possible when you begin making changes. The more quickly you transition your business into long-term strategy change, the better you're going to be able to control Sarbanes Oxley compliance issues.

There are a number of issues you can expect to impede this process:

Project mindset - Your managers will probably look at Sarbanes Oxley compliance as a project with a clearly definable endpoint. This is not at all the case. The more quickly you can move to change their attitude, the more likely you'll have a clear and simple transition into the new way of doing business. You can use such items as continual education and newsletter updates as ways to show your managers that you expect Sarbanes Oxley to change the way they do business forever.

Manpower issues - Sarbanes Oxley compliance is not friendly to businesses who are trying to streamline their workforce. Though you may have to increase the size of your employee pool at the beginning of your Sarbanes Oxley compliance process, you can expect this pool to decrease as you gradually fold Sarbanes Oxley compliance methodologies into your normal way of doing business.

Poorly-defined roles in internal control - if you don't clearly lay out responsibilities such as auditing, accountability, and project management, your Sarbanes Oxley compliance]tasks are going to be needlessly complicated. You should also make it very clear whose roles it will be to see to the Sarbanes Oxley rollout and to whom these people will be ultimately answerable.

Improvisational approaches - Jumping into Sarbanes Oxley compliance will simply not work. You need to step back and plan how you're going to be incorporating the structures and requirements of Sarbanes Oxley into your daily work routines. And once a plan has been defined, you must follow the plan, and ensure everyone else is also following it.

Underestimating the Impact to Technology - Sarbanes Oxley would simply not have been possible twenty years ago. Technology is critical for your compliance with this act. You can expect to make significant technology investments as you procede to implement Sarbanes Oxley compliance. Investments will cover such things as sustainable compliance with repository, work flow, and audit trail functionality. In addition, your internal control monitoring and reporting will depend heavily on technology. At some large corporations, it might be worth looking into hiring another full-time IT person who has been specifically trained in implementing and maintaining Sarbanes Oxley technological infrastructure.

Ignored Risks - Risk assessment is vital in Sarbanes Oxley compliance. One of the first meetings you should have as you implement Sarbanes Oxley compliance is one on risk management. Inadequately assessing risk can lead to serious financial reporting errors that can render your investment in training and compliance useless.

Successful Sarbanes Oxley compliance

Your framework for sustained Sarbanes Oxley compliance should include the following:

* Effective, efficent evaluation of testing, remediating, monitoring, and reporting controls

* Integration of financial and internal control processes

* Proper use of technology to comply with Sarbanes Oxley requirements

* Clear roles and responsibilities, a solid chain of command, and assigned accountability

* Continual education and training in Sarbanes Oxley compliance

* Adaptability and flexibility to respond to Sarbanes Oxley compliance-induced changes

Do I Need A DUI Lawyer

You've been arrested on a DUI charge. Now what do you do? Although most people will recommend that you hire a lawyer to represent your best interests many people do not do so, often because of shame and embarrassment. Whether or not you hire a lawyer can have a big impact on your case so you may want to think carefully before making a decision. If you do decide to hire a DUI lawyer there are several things to consider so that you find the best lawyer possible to represent you.

Because DUI laws vary among each state (, hire a lawyer that has expertise with the laws in the state where you were arrested. Also, hire a lawyer that specializes in DUI cases. Depending on where you live you may not be able to find a good lawyer that practices DUI law exclusively, but look for a lawyer who spends at least half of his or her time handling DUI cases. It may be tempting to hire your local lawyer who deals with a veritable buffet of issues such as DUI?s, divorce, wills, and bankruptcy, etc. but DUI law is extensive and continually changing so you will likely be much better hiring a specialist in DUI.

Before you hire a DUI lawyer, or any other type of lawyer, meet with him or her first. Most lawyers will not charge you to meet with them while you?re looking for someone to handle your case. Having a face to face meeting with your lawyer before hiring him or her is good for both the client and the attorney. You?ll want to hire someone you feel comfortable working with. A face to face meeting helps you determine whether or not you feel comfortable. It also helps the lawyer decide if he or she feels comfortable working with you and wants to take on your case.

Before going to any consultations with lawyers (and you should consult with at least two lawyers before making a decision) do some research. The yellow pages is a good place to look for a lawyer but remember that the DUI lawyer with the biggest ad is not necessarily the best lawyer for you to hire. He or she is just the person with the biggest ad. You want a lawyer with DUI expertise and experience.

The library is another good place to do research. Your local library should have a copy of the Martindale Hubbell law directory. The directory does its best to list every lawyer in the United States along with his or her area(s) of speciality. You can search the directory by either location or area of law each lawyer deals with. The directory is also available online. People you know can also be a good source of information regarding a good lawyer.

Create a list of questions you want to ask each lawyer during the consultation so you can compare each lawyer equally before deciding who you would like to hire to represent you.

A few questions you may want to have on the list you make are:

1) What percent of the cases you handle are DUI or impaired driver? (Remember that you want someone who is very familiar with the current laws in your state.)

2) What do you charge and what is your fee structure? (You?ll want to know the most you?ll have to pay as well as how much you have to pay upfront. Many DUI lawyers charge a flat fee, which is a set amount for your case whether or not it goes to trial. Some lawyers charge an hourly fee. Others have staggered fee structures that break things into phases. They may charge a flat fee up until trial. If the case goes to trial then there?s another fee to pay. If the entire fee is required upfront but you are financially unable to pay it all upfront ask if a payment arrangement can be worked out. It can?t hurt to ask. The worst answer you can get is ?no.?)

3) What costs besides attorney fees will I be responsible for? (In addition to lawyer fees you may be responsible for things like court costs and filing fees).

4) Will you be the lawyer handling my case or will someone else in the firm be the primary lawyer on my case? (This question is especially important if you are consulting at a firm with several lawyers. Some people have been very frustrated when they found out the lawyer they consulted with wasn?t the lawyer who handled the majority of their case.)

These are just a few of the questions you?ll likely want to ask before deciding which DUI lawyer you want to hire.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Divorce Taxes and the IRS

In Divorce, potential tax liability can frequently become the tool for one spouse to use against the other spouse. If improperly used, this tool can destroy all of the marital assets. In the worst case, tax liability can seriously impact the future financial security of either spouse and subject them to criminal sanctions.

Situation 1 - Your Spouse Owns a Business

The most common situation where taxes become an issue in a divorce is they there is a family business. The owner - spouse may have hidden cash receipts or engage in a practice of recording inflated expenses. This common practice by many business owners is a fraudulent attempt to minimize taxes. The other spouse is often aware of and approves of this practice. During the marriage, minimization of taxes results in higher household income and a better lifestyle for the couple.

This practice is illegal or borders on illegal. During the marriage it is a secret between the married couple. But during a divorce each spouse may try to use past tax behavior to gain an advantage. The owner - spouse wants to minimize past income in an effort to lower child support, alimony, or division of marital property. Of course the other spouse wants to prove the opposite.

The result is a game of chicken - with one spouse threatening to turn the other spouse in to the IRS. This is a dangerous game for all involved. Do it yourselfers will find the situation blowing up in their face. People with attorneys may find the attorney reluctant to deal with the situation.

The Potential Problems:

? Your Attorney cannot assist the owner/spouse commit the crime of tax evasion.
? The non-owner spouse may end up liable for half of the back taxes, penalties, and fines.
? The divorce court Judge may decide to turn everyone in.
? In an extreme situation, everyone can go to jail.

Situation 2 - You Make a Surprise Discovery: Your Spouse is a Tax Cheat

Another common situation in divorce: the sudden realization that a spouse is a tax cheat ? and you were completely unaware until the divorce.

The Potential Problems:

? You may end up owing the IRS half the overdue taxes.
? You may end up owing the IRS the ENTIRE tax bill.
? The overdue tax bill may be double the actual unpaid taxes, due to penalties, fines, and interest.

The Potential Solution:

The IRS has a provision called Innocent Spouse Relief. This provision gives complete or partial tax forgiveness to an innocent spouse. But be aware - the definition of "innocent" is technical, elusive, and difficult to understand.

Two available forms of tax relief:

? Innocent Spouse Relief - Discharge of Liability
? Separate Tax Liability for Each Spouse

The first form of relief wipes out your tax debt in part or full. You must have not had any knowledge of the incorrect or fraudulently prepared tax returns. That means you cannot look like you were aware of any part of the return. Also, you must not have benefited from the hidden income. That means you cannot be driving a Mercedes and at the same time signing a tax return that show $200/week in income.

The second form of relief is slightly easier to get. If you qualify, the IRS will separate out the tax liability of your income from your spouse's hidden income. This type of relief may have the effect of wiping out extreme tax bills and penalties.

The Bottom Line: Always be aware of these types of tax situations. The financial effect can be far worse than the divorce. If you believe this type of problem is in your future, start preparing immediately. Do not sign a joint tax return for your upcoming tax filing. File married-filing-separately. The moment you suspect a potential tax liability, begin to separate your financial life from your spouse's financial life and then promptly file for divorce.

Copyright 2006 The Divorce Center P.A.

Divorce Lower Cost Alternatives to an Attorney

Many years ago hiring a divorce attorney was financially devastating for many people. Divorce was for the wealthy. The rest of us had no options. We had to beg, borrow, or steal to find the money for an attorney. But now there are more options than ever before for anyone facing a divorce.

Do Everything Yourself

?Doing everything yourself? has become an option in many states with the advent of approved self-help forms. For example, the state of Florida has produced a complete set of Family Law Self-Help forms. These forms have been carefully reviewed by the state Bar association and subsequently approved by the Florida Supreme Court. Each form is accompanied by instructions on proper use. Because Florida Statutes reference those self-help forms, they are accepted by all Florida courts. Many if not all states have adopted some type of self-help forms. You can usually download the forms from your state court website or purchase an inexpensive pack of forms at your local courthouse. The advantage: the forms are free and you do not need a lawyer to file them. The disadvantage: the instructions can be confusing, complex, and difficult to follow. And you may be sacrificing some serious legal rights without realizing you are doing so.

Online Forms Preparation Service

The internet has brought major changes to the delivery of legal services. One recent change is universal availability of online forms services. For a fee usually ranging around two hundred dollars these services will conduct an online interview and generate a custom set of forms, ready to file with the court in your area. These services are easy, quick, and as convenient as the nearest computer. The better services keep track of changes in each state and adjust their forms accordingly. The advantage: the forms are accurately and neatly filled out at an affordable cost. The disadvantage: same as ?do-it-yourself ? you are on your own during the divorce. There is no advice or help if something goes wrong.

Attorney ? Forms Only Service

Florida and many other states have adopted a concept called ?Unbundled Services.? This concept is an official recognition that many people want to hire an attorney for one small part of their case. They have access to expert advice at an affordable price. Many attorneys offer a form preparation service similar to the online services. The key difference is the forms are prepared or supervised by an attorney. The advantage: the security of knowing the forms are done correctly by a local expert. The disadvantage: you are still on your own during the divorce. However, because you established a relationship with an attorney, you may have access to the attorney for occasional advice if you run into difficulty.

So Which Option Should You Use?

Divorce can affect your relationship with your children, your present finances, and your finances during the next 30 years. What you do now can affect your life for many years. The simple answer: take the best option you can afford. If you can afford full representation from an attorney ? that is best. If you cannot afford anything ? the do-it-yourself method is best. But whichever route you take: educate yourself, proceed carefully, and educate yourself some more. Remember, knowledge is power. The person with the most knowledge always comes out ahead.

Copyright 2006 The Divorce Center P.A.

Divorce I Do Never Mind

A divorce, or a decree of ?dissolution of marriage? is a court terminating an existing marriage. This is in contrast to an annulment, which states that a marriage never existed.

The main issues to settle are the division of property, child custody and visitation, and child or spousal support. You want to make sure and thoroughly research these areas so you protect yourself through the process.

The first thing I would recommend is using a divorce attorney. They have filed numerous divorces and have been through the process several times, so they will know tricks and strategies to use. You don?t want to defend yourself because although it will be cheaper, you may miss some things that could end up costing you more in the long run.

That being said, it is still important to do your research, because you don?t want to be completely at the mercy of your attorney either. You may be able to come up with additional ideas that he/she couldn?t come up with because of your research. You also want to question your attorney through the process ensuring that you get what you are due in the divorce.

There are many reasons to get a divorce, and different states have different laws pertaining to what constitutes a divorce. Some states allow you to just do it while others are stricter on the ?grounds? for the divorce. They claim you have to have proper ?grounds? for divorce. Again, check with your local state laws to find the applicable law for your state. If your state won?t allow the divorce stating that the ?grounds? aren?t serious enough, one idea is to change residency to a more liberal state and file for divorce there. A divorce decree in one state is honored in all states.

A divorce can be either a fault divorce or a no-fault divorce. A no-fault divorce is a divorce in which both sides agree on irreconcilable differences and no 1 person gets the blame for the divorce not working. A fault divorce cites one of the parties as the one responsible for the failure of the marriage.

A divorce can take anywhere from a month to years, depending on the complexity of the issues at hand. Battles over child custody can take several years to decide. Other factors that determine length are whether the divorce is a fault/no-fault divorce, the efficiency of the court, size of estate to be split up, how agreeable you and your soon to be ex spouse are, the extent of agreements you had before the marriage, and child custody/support issues.

Divorce is no joke, in some cases it?s the hardest thing one will go through in life. Having a smooth divorce process can make things easier on yourself, ex-spouse, children, other family, and also help you get on the right track to find your next spouse, assuming you haven?t decided you will never get married again.

Divorce Health Insurance

Recently, I had a question from someone who was going through a divorce and was concerned about lost health insurance coverage because she was covered under her husband's insurance. She was concerned not just for herself, but for her children as well. This question comes up a lot. See is this answer helps you better understand what to do. If you have additional questions on this topic, feel free to add to the blog, and I'll answer them.

Medical Insurance and Divorce

To answer your questions specifically, here are some ideas to consider.

1) You and your children are automatically covered under your husband's insurance as a dependent until you divorce.

2) When your divorce is final, you have the opportunity to continue your husband's insurance by triggering what is called "COBRA". (Note: there is another blog entry that defined COBRA.) This will continue your coverage for an additional 18 months; unfortunately, you will have to pay the full cost of the coverage (and the company can have you pay 102 - 105% of the coverage cost).

Your children, by law, will becovered under the parent's coverage whose birth date occurs first in the calender year.

3) One suggestion is that when you hire an Attorney to assist with your divorce, you might want to ask, in the settlement negotiations, to have the price of the COBRA payments included in your settlement. This would be particularly important if you happen to have the early-in-the year birthdate, and will be paying for the children's health insurance coverage. This cost should not have to come out of your child support, as it can be VERY EXPENSIVE.

4) Whatever you decided to do, keep all documents together. Whenever you talk to anyone, document to whom you talk, get the name and tele #, and what was said by all in the conversation as soon as possible after the conversation. In this way, you document what is said, and do not have to rely on memory. Also, when you send anything to anyone, keep a copy for yourself, and send it by registered mail, so that you have proof of receipt.