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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fitness for Christian Women of 40

The Thief Comes Only to Steal and Kill and Destroy
John 10:10 (NIV) 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. If you have read my book, God?s Temple 40 Steps to Total Transformation or read any of my articles such as, Your Body is God?s Temple, you already know my stance on fitness for Christians. I?m totally and completely for it and all about it.

I especially have a passion for Christian women over 40. I wish I had a nickel for every time I?ve heard someone say, ?I might as well enjoy myself now. I?m getting a new body in the hereafter anyway? as they get ready to devour a huge dessert. Although they chuckle when they say it, I know in my heart that they don?t mean it. They have given up and fed into the big, fat lie that after the age of 40, it?s all downhill from there. Don?t you believe it!

The thief comes to steal your dream of being fit; especially if you are a Christian woman over 40. The thief would have you believe that it?s vain to think of having a fit body. He would have you believe that once you become a certain 40?it?s all over. Just give up. Unfortunately many well meaning Christians would have you believe the same thing. They believe there are more important things than taking care of your temple (oh really?) and I believe that they are absolutely wrong in thinking that.

The thief comes to kill any hope you might have of being a healthy and productive spiritual woman. If he can keep you feeling bad about yourself, having no energy or self-esteem to fight his attacks, he?s in stage two; he is killing you off one hit at a time.

The thief comes to destroy your mind, your body and spirit. You see Satan doesn?t want you to be a warrior for God. If you don?t feel good, have no energy, don?t have the strength and confidence to fight him, he was won. He has destroyed you.

I think we absolutely have the responsibility of tending to our Temple; our bodies. Your body is the place where God lives. Honor God by keeping and renewing your health. It takes some self-control but, isn?t that one of the fruits of the spirit?

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV) 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Am I telling you not to ever have a piece of cheesecake or cookie? Of course not! But, what I do want to say is make a cheat day or meal the exception, not the rule. Even set up one day a week that you allow yourself to enjoy whatever you want. I think you will find that once you start eating well and then have a full cheat day, you?re going to remember how lousy you felt before.

Where we get into trouble is by having a cheat day followed by another, followed by a week of cheating, followed by a month of cheating. I think you know where I?m going with this. Before you know it you?re eating is out of control. When we get out of balance in one area of our lives it?s real easy for everything else to follow. Pretty soon we don?t exercise, we don?t read our Bible, and we don?t go to church. Why? Because we have lost control and we really feel bad about ourselves. We have allowed the thief to kill, steal and destroy us.

Let?s get off the subject of eating and on to exercise. Studies have shown that after age 20, most adults lose about a half pound of muscle a year. By the time you're 65, you lose 25 percent of your peak strength. OK, before you get depressed about that remember there?s always another side to a story. You can start building and regaining strength at any age. If it has been a while since you've worked on your strength, don't worry. Research shows that even people who begin strength training in their 90s can gain muscle and strength in as few as eight weeks.

As if eating wrong, not exercising and age isn?t enough, then we throw hormones into the mix. I?m not an expert on menopause or hormone replacement so I won?t even go there. But, when it comes to dealing with menopausal symptoms, I can help you.

This is based ONLY on what works for me. OK, here comes the big secret; a balanced life. I notice that when my diet has too many refined carbs (the white stuff) is when the hot flashes and night sweats start in. I don?t have the perfect diet (she with the perfect diet may cast the first stone) but normally I?m pretty good about balancing my eating, exercise, drinking water and time with God. I think taking time with God should be one of the basic nutrients but..that?s another article.

Christian women over 40, do not give up. Never, ever give up. The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but you have the power of God on your side. Yes, it?s a lot harder than when we were in our 20?s but, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Phyllis Ward is the author of God?s Temple-40 Steps to Total Transformation, Christian Fitness Coach, and Personal Trainer. She consults with clients by phone or in person. For more information about Phyllis or her services please visit Or email her at
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